Franz kafka quotes about isolation
Franz kafka quotes about isolation

franz kafka quotes about isolation

franz kafka quotes about isolation

The moment is significant because it marks the beginning of K.'s gradual acceptance of his fate, despite the court's illogical nature. by pointing out contradictions in K.'s defense of his innocence. In this passage, one of the guards attempts to stump K. any helpful information, the guards dismiss his reasonable questions and protests. attempts to question the court guards who occupy his home about why he is being arrested. "Look, Willem, he admits he doesn’t know the law and at the same time claims he’s innocent." Franz, p.

franz kafka quotes about isolation

is the first and only hint the narrator reveals about how or why K. The suggestion that someone was spreading rumors and lies about K. has done nothing, as far as he knows, to warrant his arrest, he learns he is being prosecuted by a court he has never heard of for a crime that is never revealed. With the novel's opening line, Kafka introduces the story's major conflict. And if Gregor represents the writer-figure here, what does it mean for him to be turned into a vermin? Nothing – and no one – is safe from Kafka's irony, not even himself.Someone must have been telling tales about Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything wrong, he was arrested. An allegory, perhaps, of Kafka's own little novella, which, one could argue, is just a story and doesn't really contribute anything tangible to society? That's certainly a question the story raises about itself.

#Franz kafka quotes about isolation free

Now the frame is something that Gregor artfully crafted in his free time, when he could have been wooing marriageable women or working on selling more fabric, neither of which he accomplishes successfully. When we see characters doing something artistic in a story, it's usually a signal that the author is making some commentary on what he or she is trying to do as an artist, as a writer. The Picture Frameįor a discussion of the photograph of the lady in furs, check out the theme "Morality and Ethics." But let's talk about the frame around the photograph. Gregor's "exile" in his own room is read by these critics as an allegory for the Jewish diaspora. Although there are no specific references to Jewish texts, critics note that Kafka, a Czech Jew, was reading about Jewish folklore at the time ( Bruce 111). While the Samsas are Christian (note the scene where they cross themselves over Gregor's corpse), some critics believe that Jewish mysticism plays a role in the story. The German word has a creepy echo after World War II, long after the story was written, because the Nazis used the word to describe Jews. Some critics argue that Kafka chose the German word for vermin – Ungeziefer – with an eye toward its medieval meaning as an animal too debased to sacrifice ( Corngold 87). While religion doesn't play a huge part in the story, there are some religious elements sprinkled here and there. For more discussion on the vermin as it relates to the main themes of the story, check out "Man and the Natural World." Religious Imagery Perhaps he did something particularly cretinous – how about that chambermaid he had such "happy, fleeting" memories of? And what about all that cash his supervisor mentioned? Or perhaps his verminous-ness is an indirect expression of his selfish desire to be free of his family obligations. Maybe he's only a vermin in some moral or psychological sense. After all, the setting seems so ordinary that it's tempting to see Gregor's transformation as a symbolic one, rather than an actual one. You could say the entire story is an allegory.

Franz kafka quotes about isolation