These can be gotten in any order the following is just to show the locations. There is a total of seven to complete the quest.

Once they're all dead, talk to the man for a small reward. Killing them will cause you to gain evil points. Use your bow or lightning to kill the little birds. He'll ask you to slay the sparrows nesting in the eaves of the Guild's roof. Talk to the man in the black hood near Maze's statue. He'll pay any Hero for killing the lot of them. Seven sparrows have been nesting about the Heroes' Guild, and one of the caretakers of the Guild has reached his wit's end. Kill the sparrows scattered about the Guild.Talk to the Guild Acolyte near the statue of Maze.Whisper and Maze are the only two Heroes to wield staves.Fable III: Traitor's Keep Quest Pack Review.The design of Whisper was created by Senior Artist, Damian Buzugbe.Sometimes, the Adult version of Whisper will wear a hood during cutscenes.Like Balverines, Whisper can jump high into the air, temporarily leaving the screen, before coming down behind you.Despite having a Quarterstaff that is embued with a Flame Augmentation, the visual effects on her weapon are never visible.In Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters, Whisper is the only character to use explosive devices as a ranged weapon ( Enflame Bomb).Unused dialogue for the Arena quest suggests that Whisper bribed her way to get in there and that she hasn't seen you in a very long time.When talking to Whisper in the Arena Waiting Room, her dialogue implies that she was also on the White Balverine quest, but you beat her to it.Whisper's brother, Thunder states that Whisper has a soft spot for the Hero of Oakvale and even looks up to him, when he is seen talking to Children in Bowerstone South.

out." - Whisper begging for her life in the Arena. You beat me, again!" - Whisper, losing a quest to the Hero of Oakvale " Let's see what you've got, Farm Boy!" - Whisper, before fighting the Hero of Oakvale. I'll follow you into the Woods!" - Whisper, during her Guild Training. " Get out of bed, lazy bones!" - Whisper, waking up the Hero of Oakvale. shorter than I expected." - Whisper, meeting the Hero of Oakvale. On occasion, a child villager will ask another villager (often a male NPC in the game) to read them the story of Whisper, for it is their favourite. Furthermore, she is also capable of using explosives in battle. Whisper also uses this spell to rush forward towards the Hero and attack with her staff. This spell is different than the one Hero of Oakvale can learn: the trail left behind is white. When the Hero of Oakvale engages with her in the Arena she uses the Assassin Rush ability. She often resorts to using her own Quarterstaff that is embued with a Flame Augmentation. Whisper mostly uses melee weapons in combat. On the way there, her ship is said to have been attacked by pirates, all of which are killed. If the player lets Whisper live, the Oracle reveals that she returns to her homeland in the South Islands, where she defends her people and is praised as a true Hero. However, if the player strikes her in any way, Whisper tells the Hero that she is leaving, and that at first she thought that the Hero let her live out of kindness, but now she thinks it was to make her have to live with the shame. If playing The Lost Chapters, and the player chooses not to kill Whisper, the Hero can meet Whisper in the Oakvale tavern, where she reveals that she is leaving, acknowledges the Hero's superiority as a hero, and tells him how he has been a good friend. The player can choose to kill Whisper or not, earning 10,000 Gold should he choose to kill her. Working side-by-side, the Hero and Whisper manage to defeat multiple Balverines, Bandits, Undead, Trolls, and even the mighty Arachanox, only to be pitted against each other in a fight to the death, thanks to the interference of Jack of Blades. When the Hero competes in the Arena, Whisper joins him at the beginning of the third round. Whisper and the Hero battle against each other during a few quests. She is constantly in the shadow of her older brother's success, but remains determined to become stronger. She trains with the Hero when he is a boy, and the two quickly develop a rivalrous, but strong, friendship. After the Hero is awakened by her, Whisper mentions that he talks in his sleep, as well as the fact that he is shorter than she had expected. Whisper is first mentioned by Weaver when the Hero of Oakvale is first brought to the Heroes' Guild, being referred to as one of their brightest young pupils. Fable III: Traitor's Keep Quest Pack Review